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Burmese & Indian Star tortoise

Star Tortoise

Star tortoise cannot tolerate cold temperatures and they enjoy dry, arid enclosures, but they do enjoy warm rain on occasion.

Star tortoises are a very kind and peaceful tortoise. They enjoy groups of 4 or 6. The male star tortoises generally do not fight with one another, they will spar for a mating partner but not much damage is inflicted.

Indian star tortoises are the smallest of the star tortoises.
The males usually average around 6 inches in length with the maximum size being around 15 inches at the most.

Bumese star tortoises are the larger of the two, generally growing to an average size of around 10 inches with the largest being around 16 to 17 inches.

Both of these tortoises have the same gender differences. The male star tortoise has a longer and thicker tail than that of the female.

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